Upcoming Webinars
Recorded Webinars
Online Learning 101: Innovative Instructional Strategies – July 7, 2020
How do you design an effective online space that promotes engagement? Join this session as we discuss how to create meaningful activities that support student achievement.
Assessment in an Online/Remote Environment – July 9, 2020
Presenters: Faon Grandinetti, Director of Assessment, College of DuPage and Dr. Raymond Lawson, Dean of Online Learning, Oakton Community College
In this session, you will learn about how different types of assessment can apply to your online courses. We will discuss a variety of techniques for both synchronous and asynchronous activities. Additional resources will be available so you can continue planning after the webinar. Please bring the syllabus from one of the courses you are teaching this coming fall.
Session outcomes:
- Explain assessment and its guiding principles.
- Distinguish between diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment.
- Use online tools to assess student learning.
- Use learning management system (LMS) features and tools to improve assessment of student learning in online courses.
Join your colleagues for a facilitated discussion on last week’s topics. Talk with faculty and staff in the discipline to discuss how these concepts can be applied in your discipline. Resources may be shared, but this is not a presentation.
Early Childhood Education – July 13, 2020
Presenters: Melissa Johnson, Coordinator, Highland Community College and Carolyn Beal, Instructor, Southwestern Illinois College
Criminal Justice – July 134 2020
Presenter: Janelle Jones, Associate Director for CTE, ICCB
English Language Arts – July 15, 2020
Presenter: Ann Storey, Associate Director for CTE, ICCB
Adult Education – July 16, 2020
Presenter: Heather Martin, Elgin Community College
High-Touch Engagement with Students – July 20, 2020
Presenters: Kona Jones, Director of Online Learning, Richland Community College and Kim Travers, Distinguished Professor, Industrial Technology, Heartland Community College
The key to a great online course is YOU! When students feel like their instructor truly cares about them as a person, as well as their success in the course, it creates a foundation of trust that promotes more meaningful interactions and learning. To create this online teaching presence, understand the different methods and tools available to engage with your students in the online environment and then develop an engagement plan of how to effectively put things into action. This session covers the shift in mindset needed to keep connected with your students as you go from face-to-face to online classes!
Implementing UDL in your Classroom – Online or In Person – July 21, 2020
Presenters: Dr. Aimee Julian, Director, Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support and Sarah Goldammer, Educational Training Specialist, Southern Illinois Professional Development Center
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all learners by setting clear, rigorous goals; anticipating barriers; and proactively designing to minimize those barriers. This session will provide an introduction to UDL as well as strategies to implement this approach in both an online and in person classroom setting.
Information Literacy & Academic Library Orientation: Online Learning’s Dependable Colleague – July 23, 2020
Presenter: Pamela Lessner, Academic Librarian & Adjunct Instructor, City Colleges of Chicago
Presentation encourages faculty to partner with their institution’s academic library to support students as they experience during distance learning. Using City Colleges of Chicago resources as an example, participants will be prepared to have a conversation with their library team and determine what options may already be available that support the course’s objectives. Participants will evaluate if their LMS quickly links students to library sources, determine how a more in-depth information literacy can support a learning objective, establish an authentic learning activity for all disciplines, and discover that live Library Chat functions is really that dependable librarian you always went to when F2F classes were the norm.
Culturally-Responsive Pedagogy
In lieu of another webinar, the ICCB is featuring OCCRL’s “Equity Speaks: Culturally Sustaining Stories in Education” Podcast series.
The Equity Speaks podcasts from OCCRL help listeners learn more about intercultural communication and organizational development, with the goal of expanding people’s understanding of core leadership competencies and effective, all-encompassing student-support services as well as guided pathways and other topics for engaged professionals.
While we are featuring them this week, they are available to listen to at any time:
Episode 1: Culturally Sustaining Leadership: Explore the culturally sustaining leadership practices that staff and administrators use while working with their student populations. Hear from Brandon Bellamy (Howard Community College) and Dr. Rhonda Coats (Davidson County Community College).
• Listen here: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/10446866
• Read transcript here: https://occrl.illinois.edu/docs/librariesprovider4/ec3p/culturally-sustaining-stories.pdf
Episode 2: Culturally-Sustaining Pedagogy: Discover the culturally responsive pedagogy practices that community college faculty members utilize while teaching their courses. Hear from Drs. Mara Lazda and Grisel Acosta(Bronx Community College), as well as from Dr. Tiffany Gause (Santiago Canyon College).
• Listen here: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/11473811
• Read transcript here: https://occrl.illinois.edu/docs/librariesprovider4/ec3p/culturally-sustaining-pedagogy.pdf
Episode 3: Culturally Sustaining Wraparound Services for Student Success: Learn about the culturally responsive wraparound support services that administrators use to support racially minoritized student populations on community college campuses. Hear from Antonio Jackson (Fayetteville Technical Community College), Alvina Thomas (Louisiana Delta Community College), and Gabrielle Thompson (Jefferson Community College).
• Listen here: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/11875460
• Read transcript here: https://occrl.illinois.edu/docs/librariesprovider4/default-document-library/culturally-responsive-wraparound-student-support-services.pdf
Episode 4: Culturally Sustaining Practices on Race for a Better Campus Climate: Explore campus racial climates that racially minoritized students experience with interviewees Joseph Alonzo (Santiago Canyon College), Dr. Charles H.F. Davis III (University of Southern California), and Dr. Dominique Hill (Colgate University). This podcast also covers the rise of student activism and how higher education professionals can leverage culturally sustaining practices to support activists and campus communities.
• Listen here: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/13186622
• Read transcript here: https://occrl.illinois.edu/docs/librariesprovider4/podcast/culturally-sustaining-practices-on-race-for-better-campus-climate.pdf
Episode 5: Culturally Sustaining Practices Across Institutional Types: Discover culturally sustaining practices that support racially minoritized students across institutional designations within the community college sector with panelists Dr. Vicki McGillin (Gardner Institute), Marcus Peanort (Montgomery College), and Jameta Rogers (Prairie State College). The discussion delves into the important roles administrators play in creating campus spaces, services, and policies that reflect the needs of racially minoritized students within the respective roles of the panelists.
• Listen here: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/14762777
• Read transcript here: https://occrl.illinois.edu/docs/librariesprovider4/podcast/culturally-sustaining-practices-within-institutional-types.pdf
Join your colleagues for a facilitated discussion on last week’s topics. Talk with faculty and staff in the discipline to discuss how these concepts can be applied in your discipline. Resources may be shared, but this is not a presentation.
Early Childhood Education – July 27, 2020
Presenters: Melissa Johnson, Coordinator, Highland Community College and Carolyn Beal, Instructor, Southwestern Illinois College
Manufacturing – July 28, 2020
Presenter: Angie Koontz, Somonauk CUSD 432
Natural Sciences – July 28, 2020
Presenters: Oliver Pergams, City Colleges of Chicago and Charmaine Jake-Matthews, Purdue University Northwest (Includes presentation on read-along, think-aloud strategies to improve student engagement and outcomes.)
- Reading Aloud in College Biology Classes – PowerPoint
- Reading Aloud in College Biology Classes – PDF Slideshow
- Rapid Morphological Change – PeerJ-812
English Language Arts – July 29, 2020
Presenter: Ann Storey, ICCB
Criminal Justice – July 30, 2020
Presenter: Janelle Jones, Associate Director for CTE, ICCB
Adult Education – July 30, 2020
Presenter: Jennifer Eick-Magán, Associate Professor/Coordinator of ESL, Prairie State College
Maintaining Proper Mental Health: Faculty Perspective – August 3, 2020
Presenters: Sarah Thornberry, Adjunct Instructor, Shawnee Community College, Ellen Singh, Licensed Kindermusik Educator, Lewis and Clark Community College
Self-care and Coping During Unprecedented Times – August 4, 2020
Presenter: Shanya Gray, Assistant Professor/Counselor, Coordinator, Counseling & Career Development Center, Moraine Valley Community College
During this presentation, Shanya Gray will discuss how current, unprecedented times have affected us all and will provide faculty with strategies on how to help both themselves and their students cope and practice self-care during these times.
August 4, 2020 – 1:00-2:00 p.m. CST
Humanizing the Online Environment: Increasing Instructor Presence and Enhancing Student Engagement – September 23, 2020
Dr. Michelle Pacansky-Brock, Faculty Mentor for the California Community Colleges, California Virtual Campus – Online Education Initiative
Humanizing is a pedagogical approach that supports the non-cognitive components of learning and increases the success of more students in online courses. In this presentation, we will consider why supporting the non-cognitive dimensions of learning is so important for students from marginalized groups and look at examples of humanized online teaching strategies. You will see how we are inspiring — not requiring — faculty to humanize their online courses through faculty-centric professional development in California.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
- Keynote: COVID Fatigue: A Trauma-Sensitive Approach to Moving Forward – Rachel Boldman, Director of Crisis Intervention and Prevention Services, McHenry County College; Vinny Cascio, Wellness Professional, Elgin Community College; Mary Grimm, Wellness Professional, Elgin Community College; Dr. Janice Malak, Professor of Sociology, Heartland Community College
We have been living and working in unprecedented unique circumstances. As students enter our classrooms-in person or virtual-they are bringing with them the sustained trauma of a global pandemic. And guess what? So are we. We will discuss the effects of trauma on the brain and body, how those effects may manifest in ourselves and our students, and how we can help. This presentation will help us frame our own experiences, while we consider the ways we can support our students, our colleagues, and ourselves, as we move forward. - Designing for Kindness – Kona Jones, Director, Online Learning, Richland Community College
When students feel like their teacher cares about them as a person, as well as their success in the course, it creates a foundation of trust that promotes meaningful interactions and learning. Right now, we all need some kindness in our lives – both kindness to our students and kindness to ourselves as teachers. This session covers what this learning environment looks like, how it functions, and the impact on student learning?
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
- Active Learning through Service Projects in a Digital Learning Environment – Mary Carlson, Associate Professor, Business/Marketing/Management, College of DuPage
Join us to learn about utilizing service learning in online courses to engage students in Active Learning. Learn about free academic tools used for weekly discussions and speaker presentations. Student outcomes show an increase in engagement and improved communication and professional networking.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
- Introduction to Universal Design for Learning – UDL – Sarah Goldammer, Educational Training Specialist Southern Illinois Professional Development Center, SIU Edwardsville; Aimee Julian, Director, Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support, Illinois State University
This session will explore the UDL Core Concepts – the theory and research behind this instructional framework. Presenters will also provide strategies for implementing UDL in your classroom. - Authentic, Meaningful and Engaging Assessments – Anna Catterson, Director of Online Learning & Instructional Technologies, Heartland College
Creating meaningful assessments that are authentic and provide a high degree of validity and reliability can be a challenge, but it can be done in every discipline. As an integral part, assessment provides an opportunity for teachers and students alike to identify areas of understanding and misunderstanding. With this knowledge, students and teachers can build on the understanding and seek to transform misunderstanding into significant learning. Assessments indicate to students what they should learn and they give concrete meaning to valued learning goals. This session will share best practices when creating engaging online assessments that are authentic and meaningful.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Tips for Starting an OER Initiative
FREE webinar for Illinois community colleges
March 2, 2021, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Abbey Elder, Presenter
Open Access Librarian
Iowa State University
Author, The OER Starter Kit
In this presentation, Abbey Elder (Iowa State University) will share best practices for institutions developing an OER initiative for the first time. In addition to discussing how her team created Iowa State University’s OER initiative, Abbey will also explore how you can apply the lessons she learned to your own work. Participants will leave this presentation with:
- tips for starting a new OER initiative with little to no financial support,
- best practices for scoping and planning an OER initiative,
- common project types you can implement on campus, and
- additional resources for getting started.
This presentation will be particularly useful to those who are just starting their OER initiative, but there will be resources of interest to established OER practitioners as well.
To listen to the recording of this webinar:
- FAQ for IAI Course Grading
- Guidance on IAI Online Lab and Speech Courses Through Spring ’21
- Facilitating Online Learning with Open Educational Resources in Uncertain Times
- Tech for Learners – provides an aggregate, searchable database for tools to support educators in scaling up capabilities for online learning.
- The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning
- Tips for Successful Online Learning
- Pathways to Results News – Advancing Equity Remotely
- Remote Teaching in a Hurry from UIS/ION
- Resources to Aide HVACR Educators
- Southeastern Illinois College: Faculty Resources for Instructional Continuity
- Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support. ICSPS hosted a webinar on Universal Design for Learning designed to support Higher education institutions and K-12 schools as they plan or may already be delivering courses online because of COVID-19.
- ACUE’S Online Teaching Toolkit
- NIU Keep Teaching Resources
Past Webinars
- ICCB CBE ECE Grant Opportunity Technical Assistance Webinar – June 3, 2020
- SIUE – Professional Development Sequences (PDSs) – Summer 2020
- Register for Overview of Online Instruction – Begins April 20, 2020 (8 weeks)
- Remote Teaching Q&A for Private and Independent Colleges – April 17, 2020 from 10 to 11 AM
- Inspiring Courage Through Self-Efficacy – presented by NAPE – April 13, 2020 at 1:00 PM
- Bringing Your Best Self to the Virtual Workplace – April 8, 2020 at 10:00 AM
- Culturally Responsive Teaching – presented by NAPE – April 3, 2020 at 1:00 PM
- Tips for Leading a Virtual Team – April 1, 2020 at 10:00 AM