Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act
Governor Pritzker signed HB 0969 into law on January 24, 2023 (P.A. 102-1122). The bill amended Illinois Public Act 102-0698, Article 134, and provided FY23 supplemental appropriations to Illinois community colleges for administration of the Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act (110 ILCS 58). The allocations were based on college survey submissions to the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) and were for utilization in fiscal year 2023. On May 27, 2023, the General Assembly approved the Fiscal Year 2024 State Budget, which allocated additional funds to Illinois community colleges for administration of the Act. The allocations were also based on college survey submissions to the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) and are for utilization in fiscal year 2024.
Recognizing the growing issue with mental health on college campuses and the disparities college students face in understanding mental health and accessing mental health supports, the State of Illinois passed the Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act (110 ILCS 58). This Act addresses gaps in mental health services and supports on college campuses across Illinois. This Act outlines key requirements for colleges, some of which colleges have already initiated or completed. The FY23 supplemental funding and FY24 funding is intended to help colleges continue to work to implement the requirements of the Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act. The following documents are available to provide additional information on the Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act and related funding. Please note, the FY23 supplemental appropriation and the FY24 appropriations are not grants.
110 ILCS 58 Mental Health Early Action on Campus Act
FY24 Mental Health Action on Campus Funding FAQ March 2024
Mental Health Early Action on Campus Overview and Funding Feb 2023
FY23 Mental Health Early Action on Campus Funding FAQ April 2023