CTE VR Grant
ICCB is releasing a competitive grant to help community colleges implement virtual reality equipment and software for recruitment and student instruction in Career & Technical Education. Up to 15 colleges will be selected to receive funding for this project.
The grant period is for FY 2024 and FY 2025. Funding will be front-loaded to allow colleges to take advantage of any multi-year discount pricing discounts with vendors.
The maximum award will be $100,000, with the average award being $50,000. At the average size, ICCB anticipates making 15 awards.
Grant application packages are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 5, 2024. Applications and any questions should be submitted electronically to Jeff Newell, Deputy Director for Strategic Initiatives, jeff.newell@illinois.gov. Paper copies are not permitted. Applicants will receive confirmation of receipt.
The grant application includes the four below components:
FY24-25 CTE Virtual Reality Narrative
FY24-25 CTE Virtual Reality Grant Guidelines