Meeting of the
Illinois Community College Board

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December 4, 2020

Printer Friendly Versions

9:00 a.m.

  1. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
  2. Announcements and Remarks by Dr. Laz Lopez, Board Chair
  3. Board Member Comments
    3.1 Illinois Board of Higher Education Report  Dr. Teresa Garate
  4. Executive Director Report  Dr. Brian Durham
  5. Committee Reports
    5.1 Academic, Workforce, and Student Support Committee  Ms. Paige Ponder
    5.2 Finance Budgeting, Accountability, and External Affairs  Mr. Terry Bruce
    –  5.2a Fall 2020 Enrollment Report  Mr. Nathan Wilson
  6. Advisory Organizations
    6.1 Illinois Council of Community College Presidents  Dr. Sylvia Jenkins
    6.2  Student Advisory Council  Mr. Enrique Velasquez
    6.3 Illinois Community College Trustees Association  Mr. Jim Reed
    6.4 Adult Education and Family Literacy  Ms. Ginger Harner 
    6.5 Illinois Community College Faculty Association  Mr. Steve DePasquale
  7. New Units of Instruction (ACTION)  Dr. Marcus Brown
    7.1 Permanent Approval: John A. Logan College, Lake Land College, Rock Valley College, Shawnee Community College
  8. Illinois Community College Board Recognition of Community Colleges (ACTION) Dr. Marcus Brown
    8.1 Southeastern Illinois College and Spoon River College
  9. Adoption of Minutes (ACTION)
    9.1 Minutes of the June 12, 2020 Executive Session
    9.2 Minutes of the September 11, 2020 Board Meeting
    9.3 Minutes of the September 11, 2020 Executive Session
  10. Consent Agenda (ACTION)
    10.1 Illinois Community College Board January 2021 Regulatory Agenda
    10.2 Proposed High School Equivalency Exam Amendment
  11. Information Items
    11.1 Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Statements
    11.2 Fall 2020 Enrollment Report
    11.3 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Plan
    11.4 Basic Certificate Program Approval approved on behalf of the Board by the Executive Director
  12. Other Business
  13. Public Comment
  14. Executive Session (ACTION)
    14.1 Employment/Appointments Matters
    14.2 Review of Minutes of Closed Sessions
  15. Renewal of the Executive Director Employment Agreement (ACTION)
  16. Approval of Confidentiality of Executive Session Minutes (ACTION)
  17. Executive Session Recommendations (ACTION)
    17.1 Employment/Appointment Matters
  18. Adjournment