Dr. Larry Peterson


Dr. Peterson brings three decades experience in Community College Administration to The Illinois Community College Board. During a twenty year career at John A. Logan College Peterson served as Academic Advisor, Academic Tutor, Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach, Director Of Student Financial Assistance, Executive Director For Human Resources, and Vice President for Administration. Peterson also served on The Illinois Board of Higher Education’s Diversifying Faculty in Illinois Initiative.

In 2007 Peterson was named the Sixth President at Shawnee Community College. Peterson guided enrollment efforts, as well as fundraising efforts, resulting in the largest enrollment in the history of Shawnee College.

Devoting his career to student access and building enrollment through creative energetic enrollment strategies, aiding students in acquiring and recovering eligibility for student financial assistance, and developing dynamic scholarship fundraising, Peterson has devoted a career to the principles of the Illinois Community College System. Peterson believes in the rich history of the Illinois Community College System as the primary access portal to Higher Education for the citizens of Illinois.

Peterson holds Bachelor Degrees in Economics and English, Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, and Ph. D. In Higher Education from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

Term Expires: June 30, 2025