Successful transfer is an important goal of community colleges. Each of the 48 community colleges has statewide, regional and local agreements with other colleges and universities to facilitate transfer.

Most four-year institutions will accept at least 60 credits in transfer. Taking courses at the community college will save money as tuition at the university is much higher.

When making transfer plans, always seek the advice of an academic advisor or admissions counselor at your current school and at the school you plan to attend.

Did You Know?

  • 63.5% of all students in Illinois public colleges and universities attend community colleges.*
  • Nationwide, 60% of college students attend more than one institution; 40% of students attend more than two institutions.
  • Academically, community college transfer students do as well or better than students who start at a university or four-year college.*
  • 36.2% of student enrollments are in the baccalaureate transfer area. This is the largest program area in community colleges. And it increases every year!*

* State Data Source: “Student Enrollments and Completions in the Illinois Community College System” published by the Illinois Community College Board.