Perkins Administrator Meeting 9/23/15– Forum for Excellence

Meeting Minutes:

  • Budget Discussion
    • The ICCB was excluded from the federal pass-through bill that would have granted it spending authority. Thus, we can not negotiate contracts or disburse funds. Colleges are encouraged to only expend funds on activities that are necessary.
    • Question 1: Will funds be backdated? We can not guarantee funds will be backdated. Please spend accordingly.
    • Question 2: Should we complete a Quarter 1 Perkins Report? You do not need to submit a Q1 report, as you are not contractually obligated to.
    • Question 3: Is there anyone who can be contacted to speed up this process (legislators, etc.)? You can call your local representative.
    • Question 4: What kind of Perkins Plan modifications should be made? We expect most colleges will have to submit Budget Modifications. Regarding other modifications, it will be on a learn-as-you-go basis. This situation is unprecedented for all involved. Again, hold off on activities that do not need to occur.


  • Funding Opportunities*
    • PTR- This year PTR is using a different model. The grant will be made up of a Year 1 and  Year 2. Year 2 of the grant will be more selective and requires participants to dive deeper into the implementation of the grant. Colleges will assist one another utilizing learning communities.
    • Leadership Grant package- The Leadership grants are formatted differently this fiscal year. Colleges will focus on two areas of concentration with a maximum award amount of $25,000. Concentration areas are: dual credit, externship, employer engagement, Perkins performance measures, career pathway development or implementation, and special populations support.

*These opportunities will not be available before a state budget has passed.


    • New language will be input into grant agreement contracts
    • Risk assessments will be done on each college that receives federal funding
      • Review EDGAR rulebook to familiarize yourself with what will be assessed.


  • GATA- Grant Accountability and Transparency Act
    • The intent of this act is to increase accountability and transparency in the use of grant funds for state agencies, and to streamline redundancies in state grants. GATA requires that rules for all state grants mirror those of federal
      grants. GATA will be implemented fiscal year 2017. The Illinois Single Audit Commission (ILSAC), is the body that will oversee the GATA rulemaking, implementation, and monitoring process.


  • OCTAE Guidance
    • Please see the link above for more information on the latest OCTAE Perkins guidance.


  • Programmatic Monitoring
    • For those colleges receiving programatic monitoring in the fall of 2015, the ICCB will be conducting desk audits in place of monitoring visits. This change is due to the lack of a state budget. If you are scheduled for a FY16 programmatic monitoring visit and have not yet been contacted, your visit will be in the spring of 2016. The self-assessment portion can be found in the revised Programmatic Monitoring tool.


  • CTE Website Spotlights
    • When you submit a Spotlight, if possible, please submit one of the following: an article published by your local paper, a press release sent out by your college, or an informative link to your website highlighting the program/event. If this is not possible, please include the author of the document you are submitting. The Spotlight submissions thus far have been great, keep them coming!


  • Out of State Travel Request Form
    • Out of State Travel Request forms must be submitted if the travel in question was not included and detailed (and approved) in your FY16 Perkins Plan. Make sure to include date and location of travel, a thorough description of the event, and detailed expected outcomes of the event.


  • ICSPS Regional Network Professional Development
    • Due to the lack of a state budget, webinars will be utilized more frequently. Please continue to visit the ICSPS website to stay abreast of all opportunities.