Perkins sub-recipients are subject to fiscal and programmatic monitoring.

To meet the requirements of Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200.331(b), Requirements for Pass-Through Entities, the ICCB has established a risk-based system for the monitoring of grantees. Previously, monitoring of grantees was cyclical. 

The Process

Risk is assessed using a quantitative system for rating and ranking grantees and their ICCB-funded programs. The risk-based system ensures that grantees are monitored uniformly across all ICCB-funded programs, while also ensuring efficiency of time and effort on behalf of both ICCB and college staff. Grantees are assessed using factors and weights derived from multiple sources. Each grantee is allocated points based on the criteria below. If a grantee’s institutional risk score was in the top 20% of all ICCB grantees, that grantee’s risk level will be designated as ‘elevated‘. All other grantees who do not fall into the top 20% will receive targeted technical assistance. Criteria used in the risk assessment will be evaluated and updated annually. 

  • Number of deficient performance indicators for the year being monitored
  • Number of advisory recommendations and compliance findings in most recent monitoring
  • Timeliness of required submissions (performance, programmatic, financial and final reports)
  • Unspent funds
  • Unmet deliverables
  • Experience of Perkins Coordinator

Monitoring Visits and Technical Assistance

Monitoring activities are dependent on the grantee’s risk designation. Only grantees with a risk designation of ‘elevated’ will receive an on-site monitoring visit. This visit will be conducted with ICCB fiscal staff when appropriate. Grantees who do not receive a risk designation of ‘elevated’ will receive targeted technical assistance in the form of a desk review or a phone conference. 


  • ICCB fiscal staff contact information:
Kris Pickford
Senior Director for Financial Compliance and Accountability
(217) 558-4680
Cassy Good
Associate Director for Financial Compliance and Accountability
(217) 524-0504